January ’19

This issue… is the issue that will set the standard for other issues to come.

It’s amazing when you finally realize that growth, both personal and professional, requires not only hard work, but surrounding yourself with people who are dedicated to helping you grow. It’s difficult to challenge yourself and frustrating when others challenge you…AND incredibly rewarding when you finally get it, begin to think outside of the box and realize that since you’ve been challenged, you’ve grown and your product has grown. Those who are challenging you are also growing and those who are stagnant…Oh well. No need to look in the rear view mirror.

This 40 plus and marvelous issue is meant for, you, our readers to see and read what challenges and triumphs those who have been in the business for a long time are facing and have faced. It also gives you a look at those who have started their career at a later age and what it takes to move forward. You’ll get a deep and inside look at accomplished individuals with solid professions such as doctors, lawyers and business owners who have taken up modeling and fashion related interests as a means of self-growth and living long time dreams or helping others live their dreams.

In this age of women empowerment modeling is much more than the outside appearance. The way we look, dress and walk is only a catalyst for our true selves. The men and women in this issue are icons in their own unique ways. Their stories are engaging and powerful. Let this also be an opportunity for you to take a reflective and introspective look at yourself, what you have contributed and the dreams you have lived and still want to manifest.

Personally, it was a challenge for me to put this issue together because it took me completely out of my comfort zone and had me take a deeper look at myself, my business and help these individuals tell their stories. Stories that will hopefully uplift and help the younger generation take themselves and their careers more seriously.